We are a Queensland self advocacy group located on the Sunshine Coast and are supported by Parent to Parent, Spiral Inc. and Inclusion Australia (NCID).
We meet every month to share what is important to us, to learn and to socialise. We have many interests, a passionate for self advocacy and like to have fun.
We work with other self advocacy groups in Queensland to strengthen our collective voice.
We elect a representative to take our voice to places that matter to us, including Inclusion Australia’s Our Voice.
Inclusion Australia is the peak organisation for people with disability in Australia.
Our Voice has a seat on the committee and we meet by teleconference once a month.
Members of Our Voice also represent Australia with Inclusion International.
Additional Resources
Inclusion Australia link: https://www.inclusionaustralia.org.au/about-us/our-voice/
- Inclusion International link: http://inclusion-international.org/
- Our Facebook Link is: https://www.facebook.com/loudandclearqld/
- Parent to Parent: http://www.p2pqld.org.au
- Spiral: http://www.spiralinc.org.au/
Loud and Clear Speaking at a Conference
Loud and Clear Allycia
Loud and Clear Tim
Loud and Clear Deb
Group Information
We meet once a month at Spiral Inc. located in Nambour.
We talk about the things that matter most to us.
Please contact us if you would like to be involved: [email protected] and we will contact you.