My name is Cameron Bloomfield.
I am a member of Rainbow Rights Self Advocacy Group.
In the past year since I’ve been a part of Rainbow Rights self advocacy group
We participated in the Midsumma Festival which is for the LGBTIQ+ community and we have an information stand to encourage people to join and let other organisations and services know about Rainbow Rights self advocacy group.
In early 2018 I participated in the Midsumma pride march.
I have done public speaking to talk about Rainbow Rights the group, my personal life story, and generally on the rights and issues faced by people who have a cognitive disability and identify as LGBTIQ+
I was on ABC national radio with Myf Warhurst RR launched our song and talked about how we came up with the lyrics. This was a very different experience and I felt nervous at first but then I just thought to myself, this is so good to get the Rainbow Rights message out and the song played around Australia, so I spoke up loud.
Self-Advocacy matters to me because people with a cognitive disability are being heard and getting their issues out around the country. When we are together in a group it allows all members of the group to have confidence and to speak up about the rights of people with ID in the LGBTIQ community.
Some of my peers would find it hard to speak up and be seen and heard if it wasn’t for the group. I like being a spokesperson for my peers and helping them to have equal rights and a voice.
In this part of the website we would like to share with you resources and information for people with a disability from the LGBTIQ. Check out our Music video too!
Please have a listen to our voice and learn about who we are as people, and learn about our needs and issues in the LGTBIQ+