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People sitting around a table having a meeting

What is a Self Advocacy Group?

Self Advocacy Groups and Organisations are run by and for people with disability that have something in common. 

nothing about us without us

Self Advocacy Group Members work together to: 

  • Build each others self advocacy skills and knowledge of their rights

Self advocates group
  • Support each other and make friends with peers

nothing about us without us
  • Speak up, advocate and campaign for disability rights issues to make changes for the disability community

  • Share their expert knowledge with government, organiseations and the community about issues that effect them

  • Have a stronger voicer together that is listened to and respected

Man in chair

How do I join a Self Advocacy Group?

There are lots of different Self Advocacy Groups in Australia.

Click the button below to find Self Advocacy Groups in Australia

Map of Australia showing different states

Find a Self Advocacy Group

Self Advocates say “Our voices are stronger together!”

Group of people sitting together as group

Governments and organisations say they want to hear from people with disability in consultations, reviews and advisory groups.

nothing about us without us

Self Advocacy Groups are an important way for governments and organisations to hear from groups of people with disability.

Deafblind victoria logo

For example: If the government needs to hear from DeafBlind people about an issue, they can talk to DeafBlind Victoria, a Self Advocacy Organisation run by and for people who are DeafBlind.