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nothing about us without us

What is the
Self Advocacy Movement?

Self Advocacy is a disability rights movement that started in the 1960’s.

Self Advocacy Movement worldwide

A rights movement is when people around the world work together to:

  • speak up about shared human rights issues
  • take action and
  • make change

The Self Advocacy movement is led by and for people with disability.

man with megaphone speaking for self advocates

Self Advocates with disability say:

Nothing about us without us!

We should be in charge of decisions that affect our lives and our community.

Self Advocates put the word Self and Advocacy together to say:

Learn what Self Advocacy Is - correct things

Self Advocacy IS: Disability advocacy coming from the people it effects, the people with disability.

Learn what Self Advocacy Is - correct things

Self Advocacy IS: Groups of people with disability doing advocacy work to fight for equality and human rights issues.

Learn what Self Advocacy Is - wrong things

Self Advocacy IS NOT: People without disability doing advocacy work for us.

Self advocates speaking out

Self Advocacy is for people with disability that are often spoken for by other people without disability.

For example:

  • People with an intellectual disability
  • People with an Acquired Brain Injury
  • People with complex communications needs
A group of people

Any person with disability can join the Self Advocacy Movement!